Beautiful Bizarre is the freshest contemporary art magazine for artists, designers, enthusiasts, collectors and galleries.


We are a unique quarterly that’s individual, creative and cool. If you love visual or wearable art, then you will love Beautiful Bizarre Magazine!


Scroll down to see what’s inside Issue 25.


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Inside Issue 25 with Hannah Yata’s incredible painting on the cover you will discover the voices and stories of 40+ inspiring visual and wearable art creatives. Look into painter Hannah Yata’s deeply considered attitude to nature and feminine forces; learn more about why Steven Bennett and Dr Elaine Schmidt have decided to focus the Bennett Collection on female figurative painters, discover the energetic movements of Australian artist Mariana Mezic. Read the interview between Editor-in-Chief, Danijela Krha Purssey, and Urban Nation Museum for Contemporary Art’s Director, Yasha Young, as they discuss the critical environmental focus of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s debut Museum exhibition, ‘Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia’. Johnson Tsang shares his vivid dreamworld and how it inspires his work, while Gerald Brom shares his macabre soul with the world through his art. Yasha Young, Director of Urban Nation also provides us with a fascinating insight into what artwork she would like to add to her personal collection, learn more about our favourite wearable art brands, and so much more!

Each issue is a beautiful and unique collectable. If you love visual or wearable art, then you will love Beautiful Bizarre Magazine!

Inside Issue 25

In-Depth Interviews: Hannah Yata [cover artist], Gerald Brom, Dulk, Michael Carson

Collector’s Profile: The Bennett Collection. Interview with Steven Bennett & Elaine Schmidt whom collect figurative realist works of women by women.

Feature Articles: John Brophy, Allen Williams, Johnson Tsang, Dianne Gall, Adrian Borda, Stephanie Law, Matt Dangler, Mariana Mezic

Lookbook: 8 pages of stunning full page reproductions of Natalie Shau’s amazing digital art.

Snapshot Q&A: Beth Mitchell, Natalie Foss, Adeyemi Adegbesan, Marina Mika, Chieko Ito, Martin Stranka all respond to the same 4 questions which delve into their artistic practice.

  1. How did you find and develop your personal aesthetic? 
  2. How has social media changed your practice? Do you include less nudity in your work now to fit their censorship standards?
  3. What obstacles have you encountered as an artist, and how did you overcome them? 
  4. How do you market yourself and your art to gain recognition from galleries and collectors? 

Curator’s Wishlist: Yasha Young, Director Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art shares what she would like to add to her personal collection

Exhibition Review: Beautiful Bizarre curated exhibition, ‘Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia’ at Urban Nation, Berlin [11 May – 10 July 2019]. Interview with Curator Danijela Krha Purssey, and Urban Nation Director Yasha Young.

Some of our Favourite Things: Our favourite wearable art brands including Hysteria Machine, Sweet’n’Twisted, The Original Atelier, Squirrel vs. Coyote, Shamanic Visions,  and Loreleï Enchantress.

Join the Tribe: Our Instagram #beautifulbizarre community feature including @mattjasonharris, @enkartstuff, @alfiealpha_art, @erikhallik, @themightywah, @derekharrisonart, @le_heretic, @brunopontiroli.


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